Lately I have been preoccupied with the notion of love. Why and how do we fall in love, how do we experience and express it? Every one of us will have different answers to these questions but my point of imposing those questions is so the viewer of the piece would think and analyze their feelings, motives, expectations. One very effective way of sharing love is sending love notes. This project would be an outlet of all the love notes I've written but never sent. Something as personal as love notes will become public.
The format of the project is a video projection onto four walls. As the video starts out one line slowly follows another with a soft voice over. But as the time passes the lines start to run onto each other, increase in speed and so does the voice over until the point where you can't distinguish what is written or said. The experience a viewer would get is standing in the middle of a whirlpool where everything is spinning. Feeling reminiscent of being in love, the feeling is overpowering, you can't get out or make it stop but somehow you're still enjoying where you are.


Self initiated motion installation project.
